Category Archives: Morning Show KEEP?

Stewsday 11-2-21

Heather and Moose beef over beef stew and today’s tasty winning recipe!MORE

Freaky Friday 10-29-21

What better way to kick off Halloween weekend than with ONE MORE day of scary stories!?MORE

Thriller Thursday 10-28-21

Growling closets, terrifying neighbors, creepy spooning, and a whole lot more! Listen to our final Thriller Thursday of the year… if you dareMORE

Wicked Wednesday 10-27-21

Just a special little taste of scary stories to get you ready for our last Thriller Thursday of the year!MORE

Stewsday – Battle of the Taco Soups

Today we heard some very interesting issues that our listeners are stewing over including asking for a raise, discussing pay with coworkers, and switching jobs.

As for our taco soups, Beth and Moose picked Mallory’s as the winner – click for the recipe!MORE

Relationship Wednesday

Heather and Poolboy respond to a wife who is furious at her husband for not helping her with dinner after he took a mental health day and a woman who is worried about a potential move to NWAMORE

