Category Archives: Morning Show KEEP?

Relationship Wednesday 1-12-22

Heather and Poolboy respond to a listener who is dealing with a deadbeat brother-in-law and a wife who thinks her husband’s coworker gave him an inappropriate Christmas giftMORE

Relationship Wednesday

Heather and Poolboy respond to a listener who is worried about proposing on Christmas and they discuss if a gift card is a good Christmas gift!MORE

Festival Of Stars Interviews

Festival Of Stars Interviews

Listen to all of Heather and Poolboy’s Festival Of Stars & Radiothon interviews here! And see how you can help out the kids spending their holidays at Arkansas Children’s HospitalMORE

A Car Named Sue

Vehicles, moles, 3rd nipples. What inanimate objects have you named? MORE

Catching Up With Kris

Arkansas’s favorite American Idol, Kris Allen chatted with Heather and Poolboy about his family’s holiday traditions and his Christmas show in Little Rock with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra!MORE

Stewsday 11-16 – Moose’s favorite so far!

Today’s Stewsday was the battle of the creamy chicken pastas. Heather is taking it personally that she got stuck with a very bland one and Poolboy got THE BEST SOUP SO FAR! Beth and Moose picked this one unanimously, enjoy!MORE

