Relationship Wednesday 9-22-21

“My son is about to turn 15 years-old. He recently got his first girlfriend and wants to have her over. I said yes and am looking forward to meeting her. He then asked if he could spend time with her in his bedroom with the door closed. I told him I would have to think about it because I know what I did when I was a teenager with the door closed. Should I trust him until he breaks my trust and makes a mistake OR should I tell him NO and not allow him to make a mistake? What would you do if you were me?”

“I am writing for advice this morning. My husband and I recently had our first child and we have a babysitter who is the daughter of a friend of our family. She is sixteen and has been babysitting for several of our friends and she seemed like a great choice. Last weekend we went out to dinner and left our newborn with her, and when we returned all seemed well. My husband took her home and when he returned home, he told me that there was a problem and he needed for me to watch some video. My first thought was that there might be something wrong with our baby and I started to freak out and check the nanny cam but my husband said that wasn’t the issue.

He then showed me a video of the babysitter hitting on him in the car on the way home. I was very proud of my husband for how he handled it. But after he politely refused her advances, she then threatened to tell her parents that he had come on to her. When my husband showed her that he had a dash camera she burst into tears and asked him not to tell anyone.

I want to know what you guys think that we should do? I think we should tell her parents and everyone who is hiring her. My husband says we should just get a new babysitter and move on, because there is no good outcome from telling people and it will create tension with her parents and us. But I don’t care about that, I think people should know about this girl!”

