My husband and I are high school sweethearts. Some acquaintances from high school are coming to town over the weekend. They reached out and asked if they could stay at our house. My husband and I are okay with it as long as they pay us. We think $100 a night is fair because they would be paying twice that at a hotel. It would be different if they were friends and not just acquaintances. My kids say we’re cheap and wrong for charging anyone to stay at our house. My husband and I disagree. They’re going to be using our water, eating our food and staying under our roof. Are we wrong?
My husband and I are having a problem with our 11 year-old son. He sometimes throws a temper tantrum while playing video games. He came close to smashing our TV last week. We reprimanded him and told him his behavior was unacceptable. Should we allow him to throw temper tantrums and express himself like he did or crack down on him and take away his video games. My husband seems to think temper tantrums are good because it is like crying and allows our son to release his emotions and frustrations. I’m torn and don’t know what to do. How would you handle our son? Should he be punished for expressing himself