Tornado Relief

Donations Needed / Volunteers Needed

Our greatest asset as Arkansans is our resilience and our willingness to roll up our sleeves and help our neighbors. We are in prayer for all those affected by Friday’s storms. How can you help? Follow any of the links below for ways to donate, serve and volunteer.

Help Arkansas – Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ office has released a one-stop website for Arkansas tornado disaster recovery information. lists federal, statewide, regional and local supporting organizations and agencies. It also lists volunteer and charity opportunities in response to the March 31 tornadoes.

FEMA offers assistance to storm victims in Arkansas The AG also lists contact information for scams related to FEMA relief – scams related to relief efforts.

City of Little Rock

City of North Little Rock

Arkansas Division of Emergency Management

City of Little Rock Fire Department

North Little Rock Fire Department

City of Sherwood

City of Jacksonville

City of Cabot

Red Cross –

Salvation Army –

For Little Rock:

Little Rock Cares Emergency Relief Fund.

Little Rock is accepting donations of water and nonperishable food items at the Little Rock Fire Training Academy, 7000 Murray Drive from 7to 3

Volunteers are needed to help with the cleanup. Sign up at

City of Little Rock family assistance center at Immanuel Baptist Church is open each day from 10 AM to 7 PM. 315 N. Shackleford. Displaced residents can visit the center and receive free meals, assistance with important documents, and ID recovery, clothing, and mental health assistance. Meals after sundown are also available at Calvary Baptist in the temporary Red Cross Shelter (5700 Cantrell Street) or Wolfe Street Center (1015 Louisiana Street). If you’d like to volunteer for the family assistance center, please visit to sign up and stay in the loop.

If you are looking to make a donation,please take your items to the EOC, emergency operation center at 7000 Murray.

If you are looking to make a tax exempt financial contribution, please visit

For North Little Rock:

Levy Baptist Church, 3501 Pike Avenue accepting donations

First Assembly Church, located at 4501 Burrow Drive, North Little Rock needs supplies like work gloves, lawn bags and new tarps

For Sherwood:

Sherwood City Hall (behind by the pool) – cleanup supplies, tarps, and lumber, 2199 E Kiehl Avenue

Sherwood Police Station – food and water, 2201 E Kiehl Ave

Sherwood Senior Citizens Center – shelter, food, and water, 2301 Thornhill Drive

That.Church in Sherwood is organizing volunteers to help with storm cleanup. To volunteer, call call (501) 833-4673 or message the Church on their Facebook page.

For Jacksonville:

Convoy of Hope (food, and tarps available at this location), 320 S Oak Street

First Baptist Church, 401 N 1st Street

List of needed items to donate: diapers, wipes, formula, batteries, blankets, bottled water, camping supplies, chain saws, fuel, bar oil, clothing for adults and children, cots, deodorant and shampoo detergent, flashlights, nonperishable food, gloves, sanitizer, sunscreen and insect repellent, paper towels, pet food, supplies, plastic drop cloths, plastic tubs, storage containers, shovels, tarps, toilet paper, trash bags, work gloves.

