Relationship Wednesday 3-2-22

“What would you do in this situation? My friend recently got a new job that will require a lot of travel. He has an older dog who could not do all the traveling with him. It would be more traumatic on the dog. He has asked friends and family if they could take the dog, but no one would. Is it wrong to put the dog down?” 

“My girlfriend and I got into an argument because she stopped by my townhouse without calling first. She said she didn’t need to call. I told her she does and it’s rude when someone does that. She says a friend should have to call not a girlfriend. Then, she asked me if I’ve been doing things that I shouldn’t be. I think she was inferring that I may be cheating. Who do you side with on this? Should a partner be allowed to stop by unexpectedly without calling?”

“My jaw hit the ground when I found out I am dating a former criminal. I had no idea because he goes by his middle name and not his first name. I discovered Jack’s criminal past by Googling him. My friends and family say I should immediately dump him before it’s too late. I love hanging out with Jack. He’s given me no reason to believe that he’s a criminal or is going to do anything to hurt me. In fact, he’s been a total gentleman. Unlike my family and friends, I believe everyone deserves a second chance. They say he is putting on an act. Should I continue to date Jack or dump him?”

“Is it weird to bring your own ball and shoes on a bowling date? Or your own putter to a putt-putt date?”

